Ozone Layer Facts: If the ozone layer disappears, what will be the condition of the earth, what will be the effect on humans?

When a person builds a house, he definitely builds a boundary wall around it. The function of the boundary wall is to prevent animals or any intruder from entering the house. Anyone who wants to come can enter through the main gate. In simple words, the ozone layer also works in a similar way. It protects the earth from dangerous UV rays coming from the sun. So have you ever thought that if this ozone layer (What If the Ozone Layer Disappeared) suddenly disappears, then what will be the condition of humans?

3 atoms of oxygen together form ozone. There is a layer of ozone 15 to 35 kilometers above the earth’s surface, which is present in the stratosphere of the atmosphere. This is a kind of invisible shield, which prevents ultraviolet rays coming from the Sun from reaching the earth’s surface. If a person is exposed to UV rays for a long time, he will develop skin cancer and may get sunburn. Due to this, the DNA of animals can be destroyed. Humans are also involved in this. Trees and plants will die within a few days after the ozone layer disappears. Without trees and plants the food chain will be destroyed. Herbivores will die of hunger. Carnivorous creatures will be able to survive for some time by eating each other’s bodies, but gradually the creatures will start becoming extinct because they will start to die out.

Ozone layer is being destroyed due to increasing pollution. (Photo: Canva)

How is the ozone layer formed?
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the process of formation and destruction of ozone in the stratosphere continues naturally. The Sun emits UV-B type ultraviolet rays. Along with this, UV-C rays are also emitted. When these rays reach the stratosphere, they are absorbed by oxygen molecules and are unable to reach the earth’s surface. UV-C splits the oxygen molecule into oxygen atoms. These single oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules and form ozone. In this way ozone keeps increasing.

But ozone is not the only gas in the stratosphere. Gases like nitrogen and hydrogen are also present. These participate in the reaction and destroy ozone. Ozone is destroyed by these reactions. This process of formation and destruction continues in a balanced manner and does not affect the ozone layer. But humans increased the process of destruction and due to pollution, the process of destruction became faster than the process of creation.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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